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The King's Crown


Role: Game and Level Designer

Purpose: Uni First Year Solo Project

Date Duration: January - April 2020

This was an individual puzzle game I created. I made the game mechanics as well as designing the puzzles and the layout of the level. 

What is The King's Crown?

The King's Crown is a project I made during the second semester of my first year at University. I was tasked in creating a simple first person puzzle game using Unreal Engine 4.


This was an individual project and I designed and created all of the blueprint mechanics in the project, which included all of the puzzles and traps. I also designed the layout of the level and used assets which I bought off HumbleBundle. 

Role and Purpose:

The King's Crown was a project I made during my first year of university. I created a puzzle game with a number of traps and puzzles the player needed to solve for my 'Introduction to 3D Game Engines' university module. This was a solo project so I was a game and level designer. I had to create all of the games mechanics and the level for the project.


What I did:

  • I researched different puzzle games to find mechanics I wanted to try and replicate.

    • I took inspiration from a number of games such as The Legend of Zelda: BOTW and Mario Galaxy.​

  • I created game mechanics using blueprints.

    • Most of the game mechanics I was creating were puzzles and traps but I did add in some character mechanics like the bomb and the dash.​

  • I created a level that could be completed in 10 minutes.

    • I also meshed out the level with assets that I found off Humble Bundle.​


Software Used:

  • Unreal Engine 4 - The game engine used to create the game


Extra Details:

The players objective is to make their way out of a dungeon and to the King's Crown. Along the way the player will encounter simple puzzles that they will need to complete in order to progress. There is a 10 minute timer that the player must complete the level under, if not they will lose. 


This was one of the first projects I created in UE4 and I thoroughly in enjoyed the process of designing and creating this game. I was allowed freedom to come up with game mechanics and puzzles that I believed would be fun and enjoyable to play through, and I think the final result encapsulates what I wanted my puzzle game to be.


I believe this project is what motivated me to want to become a game/level designer. To start a project from scratch and a few months later I was able to show off to others what I had created was an incredible feeling of self pride. 


Looking back on this project, there a some improvements that I would make. For example I look at improving the UI and also adding in some more sounds. I believe these two things would bring the game together nicely and take it to the next level.

Game Photos

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